If you have lost your ID Card (or you feel it has been stolen), you must report it at the Bursars Office as soon as possible. Please read carefully the below steps in order to receive a new ID Card.

  • The Bursars Office is located on the 9th floor, room 935. Please see Erin Angarola during business hours, Monday to Friday.
  • There will be a $5 fee for each time you are issued a new ID Card.
  • Erin will hand you a receipt, which you can bring to anyone from the Media Department, located on the 3rd floor.

Director of Educational Technology Services
Fiona Dhrimaj
Phone: (212) 938-5727
Room: 309
AV Specialist
Luigi Affortunato
Phone: (212) 938-5725
Room: 302
Media Specialist/Systems Support
Louie Bacosa
Phone: (212) 938-5716
Room: 301

Reactivating a Reported Lost Card
Should you find your lost card or have it found and returned to you, you must bring it in person to the Media Department so it can be discarded properly.