About SUNY College of Optometry

Founded in 1971 and located in New York City, the State University of New York College of Optometry is a leader in education, research, and patient care, offering the Doctor of Optometry degree as well as MS and PhD degrees in vision science. The College conducts a robust program of basic, translational and clinical research and has 65 affiliated clinical training sites. SUNY Optometry is regionally accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; its four-year professional degree program and residency programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education of the American Optometric Association. All classrooms, research facilities and the University Eye Center, which is one of the largest optometric outpatient facilities in the nation, are located on 42nd Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues in midtown Manhattan.

Mission & Values

Our Mission

The State University of New York College of Optometry advances visual health and patient care through leadership in education, research and service.

Our Institutional Values

  • Leadership – We develop leaders and scholars in education, research and patient care.
  • Professionalism – We conduct ourselves with integrity and civility, and embrace evidence-based practice and lifelong learning.
  • Inquiry – We support discovery and understanding through basic, translational and clinical research.
  • Innovation – We foster an environment that promotes creativity in optometric education, research and patient care.
  • Diversity – We respect the dignity of all individuals and value their unique cultural traditions and perspectives.
  • Service – We enhance public health by making the highest quality patient care accessible to a broad range of communities.

Founded in 1971 and located in New York City, the State University of New York College of Optometry is a leader in education, research and patient care, offering the Doctor of Optometry degree as well as MS and PhD degrees in Vision Science. The College is regionally accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Its four-year professional degree program and residency programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education of the American Optometric Association.

Students and Admissions

Degrees awarded:


Students from New York State:
Average GPA of entering classes:
Residency areas:

Cornea and Contact Lenses

Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Family Practice

Family Practice

Low Vision Rehabilitation

Ocular Disease


Primary Eye Care

Acquired Brain Injury

Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation

Combined Residency and Graduate Degree (MS or PhD) in Vision Science.

OD Applicants (Class of 2024): 426 applicants; 96 enrolled
National Board average pass rates (5-year average): 97% of students pass all three parts of the NBEO by graduation.
approx. 3,400
Graduate Students:

14 PhD
15 OD/MS
3 MS

Female/male ratio:
approx. 71%:29%


Full-time faculty
Part-time faculty
Satellite faculty
External adjuncts


The College conducts a robust program of basic, translational and clinical research.

Grants in FY 2019-20

Patient Care

The University Eye Center (UEC) is one of the largest optometric outpatient facilities in the nation and offers both primary and specialized vision care services.
Patient visits in FY 2022-23
Including UEC, Satellite Clinics and Educational Affiliates. Total Patient Encounters

Clinical Education

Hours of clinical experience for each OD student over four years

The following services are offered at the UEC:

  • Primary Care, including pediatrics, children with special needs and learning disabilities, and infants.
  • Advanced Care, including specialized care for patients with cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration and other ocular diseases, specialty contact lenses, and imaging services.
  • Rehabilitation, including individualized care for patients with visual disorders, low vision, and head trauma.
  • Social Work Services, including free support groups, other support services, and referrals for long-term counseling.
  • Eyewear Center, with a large selection of frames, designer eyewear, and specialty lenses.
  • Community Outreach, including education, screenings, support groups, and homebound care touching 9,600 lives through The Bowery Mission, and partnerships with hospitals affiliated with NYC Health + Hospitals and other medical centers, and community based organizations.

The College also has 65 affiliated clinical sites.

International Affiliations

Wenzhou Medical University // Wenzhou, China
University of KwaZulu-Natal // Durban, South Africa
University of Melbourne // Melbourne, Australia
Flinders University // Adelaide, Australia
Institut Supérieur d’Optique // Paris, France
Arab-American University Jenin // Jenin, Palestine
Abia State University Uturu // Uturu, Nigeria

Optometric Center of New York

Founded in 1956, the OCNY is the nonprofit allied and endowing foundation of the College.
OCNY trustees


In-state tuition (2019-20)
Out-of-state tuition (2019-20)
$1,000,000 million
Scholarships/grants (2019-20)
approximately $33 million
Annual operating budget


All classrooms, research facilities, the University Eye Center, and the library are located in a 298,000 square-foot, 18-story building on 42nd Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues in Midtown Manhattan. There are additional externship sites around New York City and beyond.

Revised March 4th, 2025

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In dapibus porta consequat. Nulla lobortis magna nec mi porttitor sollicitudin. Donec bibendum consequat sodales. Nam semper viverra odio, a venenatis libero. Vivamus lacus felis, suscipit in enim sed, sagittis euismod lectus. Quisque fringilla, lorem non laoreet malesuada, libero lorem pellentesque sapien, vitae pulvinar metus neque eu felis. Proin ultricies euismod massa vel condimentum.

Etiam id ante sed velit dictum hendrerit sagittis a nisl. Fusce volutpat auctor ligula, eget mattis lorem molestie sed. Quisque finibus venenatis diam vitae fringilla. Donec ut orci et neque sollicitudin dignissim. Aenean viverra feugiat sem, rutrum venenatis mauris sodales ut. Proin sed turpis congue, ultrices mi at, condimentum augue. Maecenas fermentum eros sed hendrerit venenatis. Nulla venenatis mauris id dolor consectetur, tempor lacinia sapien bibendum. Quisque at laoreet felis, vitae gravida felis.


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2025 State of the College Address

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2025 State of the College Address

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Directions to SUNY College of Optometry
SUNY COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY 33 W 42nd St New York, NY 10036, USA
Building Hours

Monday to Friday: 7am to 10pm
Saturday: 8am to 10pm

Nearest subway lines/subway stops
7 S
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