Applied Basic Science for the Clinician Series



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Corneal ectatic diseases have been recognized for the past 150 years. Despite this lengthy history, there has been very little agreement upon what these conditions have in common. The 4 supranational corneal societies rallied a group of corneal specialists to determine a consensus on the topics of defining corneal ectatic diseases, the means of diagnosing these diseases, ways in which to monitor the progression of these diseases, determining effective nonsurgical and surgical treatments for these diseases. This course will review the consensus from this group on each of these topics. Sharing the consensus of these corneal specialists with the broader group of eye care professionals will help communicate how important it is to improve our success with early detection, treatment, and means of visual rehabilitation of patients suffering with corneal ectatic disease. Early detection, treatment, and restoration of visual function will improve the quality of life and remove the burden of limited visual performance for these patients.