Meet Dr. Shephali Patel
Call it a homecoming: Shephali Patel, OD, MS ‘10 has returned toher almamater toworkwith
the Vision Rehabilitation Service, providing low vision and head trauma services.
“The right tools and techniques make it easier for people to function in their daily lives,” Dr.
Patel says. “I enjoy low vision, head trauma and vision therapy, as these are places where I
can affect overall physical andmental health, in addition to ocular health.”
It’s a mission that has guided the Lodi, New Jersey-native throughout her career, starting
with clinical rotations that took her from Wenzhou Medical College in China to Lawton
Indian Hospital in Oklahoma to SUNY’s own University Eye Center. After stints with several
commercial optometry locations, she joined the Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center in
2011. There, she provided primary eye care in a hospital setting, working with patients with
ocular disease, low vision and traumatic brain injuries and collaborating with physical therapy and audiology colleagues to
rehabilitate patients with vestibular disorders. She also lectured and provided clinical instruction.
In 2013, Dr. Patel took her talents to the Lake City VA Medical Center in Florida, where she served as the director of low vision
services and a staff optometrist beforemoving into the associate chief of optometry position. In that role, shewas the VICTORS
program coordinator and developed a binocular vision and traumatic brain injury sub-clinic that operated out of the low
vision clinic.
She is excited to return to New York City. “Being at SUNY is like coming home again,” Dr. Patel says. “While it is nice to write
papers, lecture at meetings or earn fellowships, working with externs and residents is by far the most fulfilling part of my job,
and I look forward to being able to work with future generations of optometrists.”
Dr. Richard Madonna Receives Vincent Ellerbrock
Clinician Educator Award
SUNY Optometry’s Dr. Richard Madonna received the 2017 Vincent Ellerbrock Clinician Educator Award by the American
Academy of Optometry. The Ellerbrock Award is presented annually to a distinguished clinician who is widely
recognized by both Academy peers and the profession for their clinical expertise and willingness to share their
knowledge for the benefit of improved patient care.
Dr. Madonna is a professor and chair of SUNY Optometry’s Department of Clinical Education and director of the Office
of Continuing Professional Education. He previously served as chief of the ocular disease and special testing services of
the University Eye Center, director of the optometric residency program for the VA Hudson Valley Health Care System and
chief of optometry at the VA Medical Center in Castle Point, N.Y.
Dr. Madonna received his Doctor of Optometry degree from SUNY Optometry in 1985 and also holds an MA in biology
from SUNY State College at New Paltz. He lectures nationally and internationally on glaucoma, therapeutic drugs, retinal
diseases, ophthalmic imaging and other topics.